Felistas Afrika-Hilfe Kempen
Felistas Afrika-Hilfe Kempen is a young association. It was founded by Christiane and Rainer and some good friends in Harare / Zimbabwe in 2013.
Christiane Hamm is the chairlady of the association, Sekai Orbon from Zimbabwe is the second chairwoman and Rainer Hamm takes care of the finances as treasurer. Although Helmut Orbon is not an official member of the association's board, nevertheless deserves a special mention here, because he takes care of almost everything at site in Zimbabwe and makes sure that the money, which is collected in Germany, used meaningfully in Zimbabwe Cent for Cents.
It all started with a holiday in Zimbabwe. It was not the first trip to Africa, but it was the first time we could get a bit closer to the action away from comfortable tourism. Before leaving Helmut he said: "Bring old football boots". On the comment that they are worn out when others throw them away, he said: "Today the boys are playing barefoot, everything beyond that is progress."
Helmut lives with his wife Sekai in Africa for many years. For decades he worked as a development worker. Since the beginning of 2012, they have been living with their children Tinotenda and Tommy in Sekai's home country Zimbabwe. Sekai's father runs a farm nearby. There Christiane and Rainer Hamm got to know the football team, which until then played barefoot.
At this farm close to the small town of Charter, 80km south of Harare, you can also see the poverty that people live in. Especially the children sit alone at the ground for hours, while their mothers work at the potato harvest. These children should get the first relief actions. By the help of friends Helmut and Sekai at site in Zimbabwe, it is guaranteed that help will arrive without detours and without any drawbacks.